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Installation & Video


Alex Fallica (Lecce, 1998) is a digital artist.
After a bachelor's degree in New Technologies for Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and a First Level Master's Degree in Cultural Management at the Università Cattolica and the Politecnico di Milano, they are currently attending the Master's Degree Program in Interface Cultures at the Kunstuniversität in Linz (AT).
Since September 2021 they have been collaborating with Milan-based multimedia art studio Tokonoma and in June 2022 they presented their first solo exhibition in collaboration with artist Martina Pizzigoni, "Ho sognato di angoli oscuri" curated by the curatorial collective Artaeria.

Artistic Statement

Performativity & Participation

My artistic production found its own balance.
On one side, we have the creation of introspective artifacts, that I use to fill the gaps caused by my personal lack of auto-analysis skills, but which actually reflect the discomfort of my generation. 
On the other side a way of working with art which is objective and rational and takes as the subject of its investigation human perception and human dynamics, un both psychological and social sides.
The two hemispheres of my brain.
My goal, in the long term, is to be able to read and understand the issues of the contemporary reality, and to communicate them, within the right media and context outlines, not only to the usual art audience, but also to the entire population.
Not focusing on any specific media and being willing to experiment but having grown fond of video-art, installation and interactivity, their research focuses on socio-anthropological aspects of the human nature, with a profound interest on violence and violation both as physical and psychological phenomenon.

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