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Installation & Video

Performativity & Participation

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mockup Martina Pizzigoni

Genius Loci

Series of 3 limited edition artistic postcards, accompanied by 3 artistic videos 
CMYK inkjet printing on Turner paper - Tintoretto Gesso, Website

duo MAAlex for Arte in Mostra, Badia a Passignano (FI) - 19 • 20.06.2021

Genius Loci comes from the desire of the artists to document the testimonies of people who live the territory of Badia a Bassignano, Florence, gathering a variety of experiences and point of views. Putting together this fragments offers the possibility to understand the complexity of this place, the historical layers between the crevices of the abbey’s crenellated walls 

The artwork consists of 3 postcards, associated with the same number of audiovisual products where Badia a Passignano tells its story through the eyes of those who have lived and still live there. 

The suggested itineraries concern its religious, enogastronomic and folkloristic identity, respectively expressed in the titles Ora et Labora, Anni Tempora and Domus. 

2.Anni tempora_Genius Loci.jpg
2_2.Anni tempora_Genius Loci.png
3.Ora et labora_Genius Loci.jpg
3_5.Ora et labora_Genius Loci.png
1.Domus_Genius Loci.jpg
1_4.Domus_Genius Loci.png
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