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Installation & Video

Performativity & Participation

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Residui Lagunari

Site Specific Video Installation, 2020
3 video porttraits, LCD projector

Pellestrina is one of the islands in the Venetian lagoon, which ppares as a tongue of land about 11 km long and about a hundred wide on average. 

Over time, the island has been subjected to extensive damage, caused by uncontrolled tides: in 2019, the precarious situation it was in degenerated following the peak of high water recorded on November 21, which was the cause, in addition to the extensive damage, of two deaths.
In the wake of the events, this video project aims to make people reflect on the grave reality that befell the island and its inhabitants. 

Processing the stages of mourning, the performer moves through 3 video paintings, designed for simultaneous projection on adjacent walls, interacting, as the personification of the island, with the spaces of the isolated Pellestrina.

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